I love serving a God who is constantly challenging me! I love that I never get to just sit back and say, "OK, all done..." How boring would that be?!
Our worship conference was more wonderful than I could have imagined! The team did such a good job! After each session, we had a time to reflect on what we just heard, in total silence. Each reflection room was decorated a little differently - and they were all BEAUTIFUL!!
So, what did I learn? I'm a worrier! Now, I never thought I was because my motto has always been, "Don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough trouble of it's own!" And, I really stick to it. I make lists and calendars and I don't worry about the future AT ALL! However, I worry about the present ALOT!! I just didn't recognize it as worry.
Our first session was about the need for simplicity. Now, those of you who know me well, know that I have a quiet time every morning, and I have a restful Sabbath every Sunday, I'm very organized and orderly, and I have NO problem saying NO and not becoming overly committed. So, it seems like I have this simplicity thing under control, but apparently not. I noticed, even while Steve was talking about the need for simplicity, that my mind was racing with worries about every little detail of what was happening. And I mean every little detail! I was not on the committee, and had absolutely no responsibilities this weekend - and I still worried about every little detail!
God has wired me as a detailed, orderly, planning, (pushy, control freak). The first 3 are the positives, and the last two are the definite negatives that I have allowed to rage out of control! I was so convicted that even in my morning quiet times, and my Sunday afternoon Sabbaths, I still allow my mind to race and make plans for things that God already has well under His control! I mean, do I really think that God needs me to fix all the details?! NO!!! He has a much bigger picture than me of everything that is going on!! He knows things I don't know about every situation!! I MUST take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. If I wasn't called to plan an event, then I just need to enjoy it!!! God has placed me in a season of taking a back seat...so I need to sit back and take the journey with others!! This is a unique opportunity that I have never had in all of our years of ministry and apparently I don't know what to do with it!
So, I am going to go get ready for church...on a day when I have NO responsibilities...NONE!!! What?! How does that happen?! I mean, aren't I the pastor's wife?! Don't ya'll need me to something?! Don't I need to be worrying about something?! Apparently not!!
God spoke loud and clear this weekend - that it's time for me to QUIT worrying and trust that He has HIS church under control - and He wants me to focus my attention on some wonderful 7th grade students who need Jesus desperately!