Thursday, February 12, 2009

People pleaser...

I know this will shock you, if you know me very well, but I am a serious people-pleaser!! I have always thrived on kudos. I know this is not my best trait, and it has been a constant struggle. So, yesterday morning I was a little stressed because I had been told that the administrators would probably be walking through classrooms yesterday while we were doing our special TAKS tutoring. I was sharing my stress with Khris (during my quiet time) and he was encouraging me to not worry about it. He used the verse about, "if we seek to please men..." and talked about how I had the wrong motivation. My motivation should be to bring God glory. And I argued, that wouldn't my good teaching bring God glory? - and my precious husband who knows me all too well confirmed again that I was still looking for kudos and helping MY reputation. hmmm... After some prayer about it, I seriously did not worry about the "walk-through" again. But, the walk-through came. And I got my kudos. But more than kudos from my administrator, the encouragement God allowed me to hold onto yesterday, was when one young man said, "You make me feel like a genius!" Woo Hoo!! If that's my legacy as a teacher - I'll take it! (Now if I can just get my priorities straight and take care of my own family first - oh...too many things to worry about!)

1 comment:

Meg said...

hiya! just rediscovered your need to update it my site. you asked ages ago for my blog address & i'm awful at writing back. so, now you can get there! hope you are having a great day!